Procedures Performed
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Procedure Performed
  • Cosmetic plastic surgery of the face can "turn back time" by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines, sun damage and sagging skin that can make you look angry, sad or tired. Change in the size or shape of various features on your face such as nose, lips, cheeks and ears can beautify and enhance your appearance. We offer you procedures that will help you look as young, beautiful and energetic as you feel.
  • Cosmetic Body Contouring
    Sometimes, our bodies just do not respond to diet and exercise the way we want them to. Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures can reshape many areas by removing excess fat and skin and toning muscles.
  • Cosmetic Breast Enhancement
    Women may decide to undergo plastic surgery to enlarge or reduce their breasts to achieve a balance in size and shape of their breasts or to reconstruct one or both of their breasts after mastectomy. Males may also seek to reduce their abnormal large sized breasts. Breast surgery today is easier than ever before to achieve the most satisfying results.
  • Laser Surgery
    The Laser works by light bouncing back and forth in between mirrors and lenses, increasing the strength with each cycle. When the beam of light is at the desired power, it is released. The Laser beam causes a carefully controlled burn that can be used to remove fine wrinkles, remove scars, destroy small lesions and eliminate unwanted hair from the face and other areas of the body.
  • Cosmetic Skin Care
    As time passes our skin shows the natural, inevitable signs of aging. These signs – wrinkles and lines, freckles and skin pigmentation can make you look unattractive. Now you can counteract these effects with several non-surgical cosmetic procedures available at our practice.
  • Reconstructive Procedures
    Reconstructive surgery involves the restoration of function or form to body parts that have been damaged as a result of injury, disease or congenital defects, enabling patients to enjoy full and normal lives. Reconstructive plastic surgery requires technical as well as artistic skills.


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