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For centuries, a woman's lips have been viewed as a sign of her sensuality. Luscious lips are a key element of almost every photo in every fashion magazine. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with a pair of naturally beautiful lips. The few who are, don't get to keep them without a little help. Over time the sun, the elements, smoking and the aging process take their toll. The corners of the mouth begin to droop. The V-shaped area of the upper lip known as Cupid's Bow begins to flatten out and lose its youthful fullness. Vertical wrinkles or Smoker's Lines begin to appear, causing your lipstick to bleed. That once sensual look is gone or greatly diminished.

Thanks to today's many medical advances there is help. Aging lips can be rejuvenated and less full lips can be enhanced.


Lip enhancement and rejuvenation are one of the most frequently requested cosmetic procedures. Your options range from natural injectable fillers or synthetic implants. All of these fillers are soft, pliable, and have a natural feel. The preference of a particular procedure will depend upon the range in shape of each patient’s lips and the results desired.


Your injectable options include AlloDerm®, Autologen®, Dermalogen®, Fascian®, Fat Transfer and Zyderm® or Zyplast® collagen, HylaForm® and Restylane®.

Zyderm and Zyplast injectable collagen are used to enhance the natural silhouette of the upper border of the upper lip and Cupid's Bow. They also fill in the vertical lines along the upper lip that often cause lipstick to "bleed" beyond the lip line.

Fat Transfer, also called autologous fat transplantation or micro-liposculpture, plumps up your lips using fat taken from inconspicuous sites on your body. Fat transfer to the lips is a safe, natural, non-allergenic procedure designed to restore damaged or diminished dermal deficiencies.

Autologen, Fascian and Dermalogen can be used in the same way that Zyderm and Zyplast collagen are used. Autologen is made from your own skin. Usually, this tissue is obtained from any excess tissue you may have had from a previous cosmetic procedure. Dermalogen and Fascian are injectable forms of human collagen made from donated skin and recovered by an accredited tissue bank.


AlloDerm is a dermal graft/implant that was initially used as a skin replacement for burn patients. Now surgeons worldwide recognize its benefits as a safe, natural implant to replace aged or inadequate lip tissue and rejuvenate the wrinkled or aged lip.

SoftForm(r) and soft "ePTFE"(expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) implants lead the way in synthetic options. SoftForm and soft "ePTFE" implants have proven to provide a safe, predictable, non-allergenic improvement for thin or aging lips.


Following lip enhancement with one of the injectable products, your lips remain swollen for a few hours only. You may return to normal activities the same day. Touch-up treatments may be necessary.

When implants are used for lip augmentation, discomfort is minimal. Small stitches may be used to close the implant site. These stitches will be removed in a few days. Some swelling may last up to a week. Elevating your head and applying cold compresses during the first 24 hours will help keep this to a minimum. Postoperative discomfort can be controlled with medication. Chewing food and brushing your teeth may be a little uncomfortable for a few days. There may be some bruising which can be covered with make-up.


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