During last decade there has been
tremendous progress and innovation in the field of Plastic
Surgery with introduction of new techniques and minimally
invasive procedures. We offer safe, state of the art plastic
surgery, without exaggerated calims at our modern exclusive
surgery center located in Model Town
Lahore. | |
Dr. Babar is a pioneer in the field
of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in Pakistan. He is
a Founding member and Past President of Pakistan Association of Plastic
Surgeons and has played a distinctive role in the development of Plastic
Surgery in Pakistan. He is a member of several National and International
Associations related to Plastic Surgery. Dr. Babar holds the unique
distinction of being certified by both the American Boards of Surgery
and Plastic Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
since 1977 and has been a member of its Board of Governors for nine
years. Dr. Babar was Clinical Assistant Professor and Consultant in
Plastic Surgery at Hahneman University Philadelphia for over 11 years
and has served as Consultant and Professor of Plastic Surgery at King
Edward Medical College/Mayo Hospital for over 16 years. In recognition
of his outstanding achievements in the field of Plastic Surgery, Dr.
Babar’s name and biography has been included by the International
Biographical Center (UK) and Marquis WHO’S WHO (USA) for last several

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery & Laser Center
8/C Model Town, Lahore-54700 Pakistan
PH: +92 42 5863310 / 5868868. FAX: +92 42 5885808
Email: info@drbabar.com